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Systems for Improvisation
Systems for Improvisation (The First six scales)
United Jazz Academy Welcome (1:47)
First Six Scales in Music (7:36)
The Chromatic System (3:21)
Whole Tones (6:46)
The Trinity of Diminished Scales (16:45)
Chord and Scale Systems
24 Majors and Minors (9:14)
12 x 2 Modal Scale Systems (10:44)
Dorian scale 4ths Augmented 4ths and Pentatonics (8:11)
Pentatonic Systems (12:03)
Movement in Music
Up a 4th Down a 5th (8:19)
Lydian Major Scales (2:53)
Practice Systems
Systematic Practice (3:23)
Conscious and Sub Conscious Mind (1:21)
Practice Modes (5:53)
Sirius System
Sirius System Mp3
Melody (3:12)
Changes/ Soloing and Practice Tips (14:00)
Cosmic Origins of Man and Music
Sonic Unification Theory (6:32)
The Tree and We (19:04)
United Music Science Wheel (Practice Tips and Tricks) (2:20)
Minor Line using Whole Tone System (5:32)
United Jazz Academy Minor 9th Exercise (14:50)
More Licks and Tricks
Dominant 7th #11 Voicing (1:12)
Minor Major 7th Line with Chrom System (10:08)
African American Music History
The African American Music Heritage Tree
Materials / Bonuses/ Notes
Topics Diagram
12 Keys Diagram
24 Major / Minor Keys
Movement in Music
Scale Systems Cheat Sheet
Day 1 Training Weekend Replay (49:11)
Day 2 Training Replay (35:59)
Day 3 Training Replay (31:34)
Referral Program
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Practice Modes
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